[Discuss] Web interface to port forward with freifunk

michel memeteau (spam-protected)
Mo Mai 1 16:53:35 CEST 2006

Hi , i'm from the Marseille france wireless community (
http://www.marseille-wireless.org ) , we have been  using freifunk for few
months now and try to integrate Wifidog for people who want to be gateways
to internet on the mesh network....

A lot of people d'ont want freifunk and go for DD-wrt because it lacks  aweb
interface to configure port forward , It's been a long time we thought about
adding this gui to the current  freifunk admin , we tried to use the webif
interface of openwrt as well

SO i tried
and the ipk , and it seems to well intergrate with the GUI , but all is in
german , Who can I contact in order to help you to put in french ? What 's
the current limitation of this port forward gui ?

Michel memeteau
0491886375 0624808051
jabber : (spam-protected)
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