[Wien] connection to dg16

Pavel Dobry (spam-protected)
Fr Dez 3 16:25:22 CET 2010

Hello funkfeuer members,
I have problem to connect to my nearest dg16 node(, it is on Degengasse, ottakring. I have signal, but it look like my mac address is maybe blocked.
 Any idea why? 
That you for any answer.

Pavel Dobry

Status: Übersicht
IP Adresse: 	IP:, Maske:, MAC: 00:11:d8:bf:f9:d6
WLAN-Status: 	SSID: "v10.freiesnetz.www.funkfeuer.at" Mode: Ad Hoc RSSI: -83 dBm noise: -96 dBm Channel: 10 BSSID: 52:51:E5:D5:5A:43 Capability: None Supported Rates: [ 1(b) 2(b) 5.5(b) 6 9 11(b) 12 18 24 36 48 54 ]
rate is 5.5 Mbps mrate is 5.5 Mbps
Gerätelaufzeit: 	09:58:52 up 1 day, 20:59, load average: 0.28, 0.19, 0.11
Geräteinfo: 	Boardtype: bcm95365r, Boardnum: 45
Freifunkversion: 	UI: 1.6.36 de/0xff Kit: 1.6.36
Default-Route: 	()
Nachbarn: 	could not replace ips with dns names!
Interface	Remote Router	Hyst.	LQ	NLQ	Cost
Wireless		0.878	0.000	INFINITE

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