[Wien] WRT54GL Rx Empfindlichgkeit

(spam-protected) (spam-protected)
So Sep 23 21:10:10 CEST 2007

Soeben von Linksys bekommen, nach ueber 4 wochen des wartens:

Dear Valued Linksys Customer,
Thank you for contacting Linksys Support.

Kindly find the following information that you requested for the WRT54GL

Receive Sensitivity

802.11g: Preliminary Performance ? Minimum SSensitivity:

Data Rate(Mbps) Sensitivity(dBm)
54 -74
48 -76
36 -82
24 -86
18 -88
12 -89
11 -90
5.5 -94
2 -97
1 -99

Thank you.

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