[Voip] Beschwerde an voipdiscount

Michael H. (spam-protected)
Thu Oct 21 11:29:38 CEST 2010

Liebe Freunde,

Ich schau der voipdiscount.com seit 20. August zu wie sie Beträge von
meinem Konto abbucht obwohl die freedays nicht ausgeschöpft sind. Wie
kürzlich diskutiert sind auch die beiden anderen VoIP-Sponsoren

Heute verfaßte ich folgende Beschwerde:
Since August 20 this year I have been charged for many calls that
should be free according to your terms/conditions of usage although I
never reach the 300 minutes limit per week. What is going on? I have
been your customer since April 4, 2006 and until late August this year
this problem never occured.

This is a clear breach of TOS and I am not going to accept it. A copy
of this message will be sent to my legal insurance and I hereby
request to credit my account with the overcharges a.s.a.p.

(voller Name, Adresse, Tel., Email Addresse)

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