[Interop-dev] RFC: add parameter link-type

Bastian Bittorf (spam-protected)
Thu Aug 27 13:44:12 CEST 2015

* Nemesis <(spam-protected)> [27.08.2015 13:34]:
> > http://intercity-vpn.de/networks/schoeneck/meshrdf/netjson.html

fixed the 404, sorry...

> One curiosity: how did you generate the JSON file? where are you taking
> the data from?

we are collecting the "neighbour" data since a long time in an 
intermediate format which has nothing to do with json. i wrote a
small/ugly converter which can generate: dot -> SVG/PDF/PNG and now also netJSON.

because we are trying different routing-protocols we always let send
each node only the locally informations and merge them together on the
collector. so we can easily plot e.g. batman-adv and olsr graphs
(batman-adv has no knowledge of the hole network, where olsr have).

this is just 1 of our real networks.

bye, bastian

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