[Wien] Ubiquiti: Wechselt Passwort für ui.com-Account!

Peter Kuhm (spam-protected)
Mi Mär 31 13:40:54 CEST 2021

hab die getippte attribution dann irgendwie nicht mitgeschickt. Jetzt aber:

/via datacop 

> --- snip ---
> The attackers also provided proof they’d stolen Ubiquiti’s
> source code, and pledged to disclose the location of another
> backdoor if their ransom demand was met. [...]
> Ubiquiti should have immediately invalidated all of its
> customer’s credentials and forced a reset on all accounts,
> mainly because the intruders already had credentials needed
> to remotely access customer IoT systems.
> --- snap ---
> --https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/03/whistleblower-ubiquiti-breach-catastrophic/
> | Whistleblower: Ubiquiti Breach “Catastrophic”

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