[Wien] CAIDA Archipelago (Ark) Monitor - wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Daniel A. Maierhofer (spam-protected)
Mo Jul 8 11:28:25 CEST 2024

Servus Leute!

Wir betreiben schon viele Jahre einen CAIDA Archipelago (Ark) Monitor
bei uns im Serverhousing in Form eines Raspberry Pi:

Die untenstehende Info über darauf basierende wissenschaftliche Publikationen
leiten wir euch hiermit weiter.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------
Subject: Recent scientific research you have enabled by hosting an Ark node
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2024 23:41:04 -0000
From: k claffy <(spam-protected)>
Reply-To: (spam-protected)


We are writing to you as an Ark hosting site to let you know of
recent scientific publications that your VP has enabled, both
studies by CAIDA and studies by other researchers.  The three we
wish to bring to your attention, in part to motivate expansion of
Ark capabilities to enable advances not currently possible, are
as follows:

- A hop away from everywhere: A view of the intercontinental
   long-haul infrastructure, by Esteban Carismo (Northweastern) et
   al, published at ACM SIGMETRICS 2024.

   This paper used CAIDA's Internet Topology Data Kit (ITDK) --
   our heavily annotated router-level Internet graph -- to study
   long-haul links in CAIDA's Ark traceroute dataset suggestive of
   submarine cables.  They report that most submarine cables they
   observed in the data ran east-west.  They further report that,
   from an IP routing perspective, the routers observed at either
   end of the submarine cable are usually far from the coast: only
   26% of the routers they observed were within 100km of the
   closest submarine cable landing point.

- Access Denied: Assessing Physical Risks to Internet Access
   Networks, by Alexander Marder (CAIDA, now at Johns Hopkins),
   published at USENIX Security 2023.

   This paper used CAIDA's Ark IPv4 traceroute dataset, and Ark
   nodes themselves, to characterize access network infrastructure
   topologies, and their resilience to carrier office (CO)
   outages.  This work validates its inference of resilience using
   prior outages published in the press.

- Fiat Lux: Illuminating IPv6 Apportionment With Different Datasets,
   by Amanda Hsu (Georgia Tech) et al, published at ACM SIGMETRICS 2023.

   This paper used CAIDA's Ark IPv6 traceroute dataset to study,
   with other data sources, how operators assign addresses out of
   their large IPv6 allocations.  They report that operators have
   diverse allocation strategies, suggesting that researchers need
   to understand the allocation strategy of each individual
   network they study, rather than attempt to derive general
   heuristics that apply to all ASes.

In the near future, we will be sending out an email to all of you
describing new measurement capabilities, and measurement development
environment, we plan to deploy on Ark nodes this year as part of a
U.S. National Science Foundation research infrastructure project.  We
will be seeking your permission to include your Ark node in the new
more capable mesh, by demonstrating the sorts of research these
innovations will enable. Until then, please enjoy this update!


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