[Wien] knoten in gerasdorf?

Marc Stibane (spam-protected)
Do Jul 30 07:09:28 CEST 2009

Am 28.07.2009 um 16:06 schrieb Michael H. Fischer:

>>> warum müssen diese opensource und "free" leute immer alles  
>>> kompliziert
>>> machen. denkt an das keiner? :-(
> LOL! ich hau mich ab! 8-D
> die bemerkung ist so super! :)

Das erinnert mich daran was John Gruber schon vor 5 Jaren sagte:
 > http://daringfireball.net/2004/04/spray_on_usability

Oh, I see: the problem is that Linux developers are just so fucking  
smart that they overlook the problems faced by “dumb users” such as  
dear old A.T. But everything will fall into place with just a little  
attitude adjustment.

Well, allow me to retort.

UI development /is/ the hard part. And it’s not the last step, it’s  
the first step. In my estimation, the difference between:
   software that performs function X; and
   software that performs function X, with an intuitive well-designed  
user interface
isn’t just a little bit of extra work. It’s not even twice the work.  
It’s an entire order of magnitude more work. Developing software with  
a good UI requires both aptitude and a lot of hard work.


In a world without walls and fences,
    who needs windows and gates?

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