[Wien] [Freebone] Tunnel/vlan setup on routerboards - workshop - Di 12.02

Markus Kittenberger (spam-protected)
Mi Feb 11 16:33:52 CET 2009

der 12.2 ist übrigens am donnerstag*g
und ist wiedermal furchtbar kurzfristig weil wir so furchtbar motiviert
sind,.. *g

und wer nun überhaupt nicht mehr versteht, um was es hier geht, und was der
freebone ist,..

keine Sorge das wird bald genauer dargelegt, nur hab ich grad nicht die Zeit
das zu tun,..

lg Markus

und sorry das untrige mail ist englisch, aber ich hab nit angefangen *g
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Jan Sawicki <(spam-protected)> wrote:

> Let me know if you want to attend !!!!!
> Discussed will be:
> Short description with live examples of setup we plan for freebone nodes.

in first step i wanna test some more on ap-multiple client, singlehop wds,
multihop wds-mesh performance outdoors,.. and if we wann make ptp, we can
think of an ntstrme2 revival *g
but before testing outdoor on real/new test - links,..
i wanna test some stuff indoors tomorrow
mostly vaps or vlans via wireless, some wds interop issues
and of course plan the test setup (which links nodes)

> 1. direct EoIP (ethernet over IP) tunnels from freebone nodes to uplinks (n
> tunnels for n uplinks ?)

or we will use openvpn tunnel on the routerboards, and can connect them
without problems to any other OS,..
but we also have to test openvpn implementations of routerboards before
doing so in general

> 2. OSPF routing between freebone nodes so ^^ tunnels will always find they
> way to go.

and experimtental Layer2 (link quality based) routing on different vlans,..
and we will see which one wins in long term monitoring,..
i assume OSPF to be more stable in general, but this comes with a PRICE!!

because OSPF needs perfect monitoring of links, as we have static link costs
but as long as no links has some packetloss (which OSPF is not really aware
of), or a link gets incredible slow

OSPF will do very fine,..

3. links monitoring and SMS/email notification of failure
> 4. guidelines for building freebone nodes (aluboxes, good quality
> antennas/cables, poe, tape sealed connectors, maybe small UPS'es(buffor
> netzteil) for really important nodes)

add also remote power cycle for important nodes

and maybe minipci shielding )-;  *g

> advantages:
> - perfect intergration with existing OLSR network, simplicity

nothing is perfect *g *g *g

> - flexibility and not much overhead

unfortunately EOIP has significant overhead, and openvpn will not be
but we have some 800Mhz boards, and if the tunnel-concentrators are no
routerboards it will be ok (if tunnels are going over multiple hops)

> - setup proven to work in large networks
> disadvantages:
> - not open source
> - we have to pay for x86 routeros license on uplinks

but WHO would pay this?
so i think we will use openvpn instead, or if we are really crazy some
"funny" EOIP workaraound
lg Markus
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