[Wien] Tunnel/vlan setup on routerboards - workshop - Di 12.02
Jan Sawicki
Mi Feb 11 14:00:02 CET 2009
Let me know if you want to attend !!!!!
Discussed will be:
Short description with live examples of setup we plan for freebone nodes.
1. direct EoIP (ethernet over IP) tunnels from freebone nodes to uplinks (n
tunnels for n uplinks ?)
2. OSPF routing between freebone nodes so ^^ tunnels will always find they
way to go.
3. links monitoring and SMS/email notification of failure
4. guidelines for building freebone nodes (aluboxes, good quality
antennas/cables, poe, tape sealed connectors, maybe small UPS'es(buffor
netzteil) for really important nodes)
- perfect intergration with existing OLSR network, simplicity
- flexibility and not much overhead
- setup proven to work in large networks
- not open source
- we have to pay for x86 routeros license on uplinks
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