[Interop-dev] hello new subscribers

Henning Rogge (spam-protected)
Thu May 28 16:23:47 CEST 2015


two more questions... one for "routes" and one for "graph".

a) do we maybe want to add the fixed field "hops" to the routes? The
number of intermediate stations might be interesting to judge a route
in addition to the total cost.

b) what do we do about "links" that are not used for routing? Maybe
because they are still asymmetric or they are marked as "lost"... or
they are just too bad?


On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Henning Rogge <(spam-protected)> wrote:
> Okay,
> first implementation is finished (is available as the
> "json_for_networks" plugin in the OONF repository), but I think we
> need a few changes in our JSON definition.
> I have attached both "routes" and "graph" output of my plugin, that
> should make it easier to explain the changes.
> The major change is a new level of indirection, both for routes and
> graph objects to allow multiple topologies for both of them. This is
> relevant for dualstack support, because olsrv2 has a different
> "originator ID" for IPv4 and IPv6. It would also become very useful
> for running multiple routing metrics at the same time.
> The second major change is an array of "endpoints" in the graph object.
> Links are connections between Nodes, but Endpoints are connections of
> a (Router) Node with an external prefix. Similar data than Links, I
> just renamed "target" into "prefix" to make sure you don't mix up
> Links and Endpoints. Maybe they should have the same key.
> The last change was in the Routes object... I have added a "next-id"
> field, which will contain the router_id of the next hop. This is VERY
> useful when you work with linklocal IPs, because you cannot recognize
> the next-hop router by the IP!
> What do you think?
> Henning
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Henning Rogge <(spam-protected)> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 11:51 AM, Nemesis <(spam-protected)> wrote:
>>> Hello to all the new people,
>>> an olsrd2 plugin to output NetworkGraph objects
>> Hi,
>> I have just started on this and noticed a small problem...
>> olsrd2 is "multitopology capable", which means it can run multiple
>> topologies at the same time.
>> How do we resolve this for the "routes" and "graph" output? Do we need
>> to add another layer which allows multiple metrics, each with
>> graph/routes?
>> Henning

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