[Discuss] differences from OLSR and Freifunk-OLSRD
L. Aaron Kaplan
Do Mär 10 16:22:09 CET 2011
On Mar 10, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Érico Porto wrote:
> This website was very enlightening: http://www.open-mesh.org/wiki/the-olsr-story
Well I am not 100% sure it is correct. You have lots of FUD and a very angled view represented there.
After all, the author of "the olsr story" actually wanted to invent a new protocol (B.A.T.M.A.N.).
Mind you, inventing a new protocol is a totally valid approach!
But IMHO it is not necessary to dismiss all the work done so far.
> But as the text has no date, I can't know how far that information is updated.
It is not anymore :)
For OLSR.org (a.k.a. "OLSRd", which is the implementation used bei Freifunk and Funkfeuer.at and many many other
wireless networks out there), there was a ton of changes and additions and rewrites.
Many of the remarks about scalability and speed of OLSR are not true anymore.
Routing loops are seldom, gateway switching problems solved, CPU load is super low. etc.
Fact is, that OLSRd has become a de-facto standard for meshing and most solutions build on top of the
OLSR.org implementation. Our implementation became very solid [1] .
The last Wirelessbattlemesh (WBM, http://battlemesh.org) tested OLSRd, B.A.T.M.A.N. and Babel against
each other. The result was a polite "no single winner", but when you looked at the detailed result page, then
OLSRd beat the "competitors" in most categories (but not in all, of course).
I hope I could clarify some points .
By the way, a friendly hint: you are on the wrong mailinglist when you want to discuss OLSR topics. :)
The right one would be (spam-protected)
[1] note: there is always room for improvement
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