[Discuss] freifunk question
Roberto Bonomi
So Sep 16 13:55:54 CEST 2007
I'm new on this list. This is the only way I've found to try to get
information about a specific use of freifunk firmware.
I use the english because I don't understand german.
Recently I had loaded on my four fonera (4 fonera) the freifunk firmware
(author is sven-ola that I think is a developer of freifunk community)
All the connection on my mesh wireless is OK and I'm able to share the
internet connection from 1 fonera to the other 4 fonera using wireless AP
I want to connect also a fixed pc to a fonera using a cross cable to thr
ethernet wired connection. Is it possible?
I've tried some configuration on IP in the fonera ethernet connection
(also subnetting) without any result. I can't get internet access using the
eth interface.
Are there someone that can help me?
Best regards
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