[Discuss] Google Earth Placemark: radio austria gelände.kmz
So Feb 26 12:47:14 CET 2006
wenn man rein zoomt sieht man schön die schatten der masten
cu akku
You have been sent a Google Earth Placemark(tm).
If you have Google Earth installed, you can double-click on the attached Placemark file and it will fly you to a location. If not, you will need to install Google Earth first (available at http://earth.google.com).
Google Earth streams the world over wired and wireless networks enabling users to virtually go anywhere on the planet and see places in photographic detail. This is not like any map you have ever seen. This is a 3D model of the real world, based on real satellite images combined with maps, guides to restaurants, hotels, entertainment, businesses and more. You can zoom from space to street level instantly and then pan or jump from place to place, city to city, even country to country.
Get Google Earth. Put the world in perspective.
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Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname : radio austria gelände.kmz
Dateityp : application/vnd.google-earth.kmz
Dateigröße : 450 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL : <http://lists.funkfeuer.at/pipermail/discuss/attachments/20060226/29bf2dd4/attachment.kmz>
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