[Wien] Introduction

sebastian sauer (spam-protected)
Do Aug 17 10:46:13 CEST 2006


Thu 17 Aug 2006 10:26, Gabor Horvath wrote:
> 1. What antenna am I need,
simple: one that fits the frequency you are going to use.
hint: if unsure, join such a monday meeting and ask the ppl. there.

> and what wlan router?
what ever you like, as long as you get this [http://www.olsr.org/] OLSR
implementaion running.

> 2. What is the monthly fee? Ok, I know this is a private network, with
> the sponsoring of ISPs, but it's not clear to me, how you get incomes
> to pay for the bandwidth.
very simple. the whole funkfeuer effort is completely peer-driven. the
funkfeuer network is not just the nodes on the roofs, the network
includes the node-owners. 
funkfeuer enhanced the OSI network-layer model. below the PHY-layer
we added the peer-network-layer.

back to your question: iff not enough ppl. care about funkfeuer it will
dissolve - gradually.
if noone donates time, effort & money - nothing will happen.

> 3. Is it open for foreign peoples also, or only to residents in Vienna?
open for everyone aslong as s/he aggree to the so-called "micro-peering".


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