[Interop-dev] live-topology during battlemesh v6 (was: RFC: add parameter link-type)

Nils Schneider (spam-protected)
Thu Sep 3 12:19:03 CEST 2015

I think the most clients I have seen were about 70 on a single node
and that didn't look that bad. The main difference between ffmap-d3
and meshviewer is switching from SVG to canvas. Most browsers (Chrome
being the only exception) are really slow when drawing complex
animated SVGs with more than a few hundred nods.

I'm not sure what you mean by "css-ing". Could you explain?

"clients_wireless" and "clients_ethernet" looks a bit odd to me as
802.11 wireless is also "ethernet". We've had a slightly related
discussion in our firmware this week:



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