[Interop-dev] Network Device JSON Schema

Jernej Kos (spam-protected)
Mon Oct 27 08:05:46 CET 2014


On 27. 10. 2014 07:43, Nemesis wrote:
> So I was asking what did you mean with "modular" since we are talking
> about a JSON object.

Please read my last e-mail again. I have specified what I mean by
modular -- the schema is built by different modules, each having its own
"JSON object" with its own schema. The final schema is the union of the
schemas of all the modules. Each part of the schema enables independent
evolution -- by having independent version numbers for each part.

But one module does not represent a single "object", for example the
wireless interfaces module reports information about all wifi-related
configuration of the interfaces and/or radios and provides a local
wireless survey report -- this means multiple "objects". While for
example the resources module provides information about memory usage,
process states, number of tcp/udp connections etc.

These two modules together with all the others I haven't mentioned
contribute to the final schema which is logically divided, so that each
module can evolve its part of the schema independently from others.


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